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Using the grid displays

Using grid displays allows the user to manipulate how listings are viewed by grouping listings in categories, moving columns, and hiding unchecked listings.


Drag a column header to the designated area to group by that field. The page will automatically refresh with listings grouped by the selected field. For example, if you group by Status, listings will be organized under separate groups for Active, Sold, and so forth.

You may apply grouping for up to three fields by dragging multiple column headers to the designated area. Listings will then be organized in distinct groups for each combination of values contained by the selected fields.

Note that it is not possible to group by free-form fields such as Price or Marketing Remarks because these fields contain unique values for individual listings. Also, it is not possible to group by amenities which accept multiple values for an individual listing. Grouping is available only for fields that contain a single value which conforms to standardized data such as Status, City, or Baths.

When using Sort Options together with grouping, the selected Sort Options will be applied within each individual group. For example, if you group by City and then sort by Price, listings will be arranged in individual groups based on City, and within each individual group the listings will be sorted based on Price. This applies to both the ‘Sort as Selected’ feature and the ‘Sort By’ drop-down options.

To ungroup columns, users can click the (X) next to the column name in the display header.

Drag-and-Drop Columns

Most columns in the grid displays can be rearranged by dragging and dropping them in their desired location, allowing for easy, on-the-fly customization.

TIP: View the video tutorials under the "Search Results & Displays" section on the Learning Center for a quick overview of this feature. The Learning Center can also be accessed directly from the Help menu.

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